Brian Integration Therapy
Brain Integration Technique is a proven, non-invasive technique
based on principles of Applied Physiology, acupressure and left/right brain integration.
This Therapy is for children and adults who struggle with
learning disorders including processing, Memory,reading, writing, math, balance and speech troubles. It can also help with Balance, Trauma, PTSD, Phobias, Adoption/Positive Bonding.
This non-invasive work uses acupressure points with muscle testing to shift the function of the brain. Once locating the brain centers which are not fully open, by using the acupressure points, the therapist then holds 4 cranial points. These 4 points increase the blood flow to the brain center’s neurons. The brain center then achieves full operation and reconnects to the whole system, allowing an individual to perform once difficult tasks easily.
Brain Integration Therapy came from the combined work of Charles Kreb, Ph.D., Richard Utt and Susan Mccrossin, B. APP. SC. Richard Utt created the applied physiology techniques for brain physiology formatting. Utt showed that by focusing on the physiology of the brain itself, the readout of brain function would often show up as a pattern of acu-point activity instead of single active acu-points.
In Australia, Charles Kreb and Susan McCrossin organized the process of BIT and added a preliminary and final test to the work. They use aspects of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised. They also conducted studies of children and adults with learning difficulties or ADD, ADHD. The results of one of these studies is below. HYPERLINK "http://www.crossinology.com/pdf/ssvepUSrev.pdf" http://www.crossinology.com/pdf/ssvepUSrev.pdf
"I have definitely seen a big improvement in the amount of information I retain when reading. Before I recalled very little, now I can remember almost everything. My grades show it!"
~ Brandn J.
My daughter now shines in her academics. Before seeing you, math was a struggle and Elizabeth didn't really get it. Now she does and is in the top math group. Reading was hard for her. Now she is reading easily and very well. I am sure it is the work we did with you. We did not do anything else. She is doing great!
~Robin G.L.
WOW, a year ago, we were struggling with a teenage son who did not think life was worth living to a kid that can’t wait to live life!
After living with the wonderful results ... we encourage everyone to give a try.
~Shawn B.